A.S. Khachaturian


Corresponding to: A.S. Khachaturian, Executive Associate, Khachaturian and Associates, Inc. 8912 Copenhaver Drive, Potomac, MD 20854, E:

Care Weekly 2017;1:3
Published online November 9, 2017,


The emerging state of knowledge on the early diagnosis, intervention, and treatment of chronic diseases remains extremely fluid.  One of the fundamental aims for Care Weekly is the rapid and frequent information exchange among multiple stakeholders.  This is a critical step in accelerating the pace of major discoveries.  One topic of strong interest particularly as the aging global population continues to place strains on labor markets is stable supply of qualified care workers to handle the increasing demand for these skilled care services.  Care Weekly is interested in establishing a special editorial focus—a special topic section—dedicated to issues of workforce development.  The special topic section will examine the issues related to knowledge translation, training, and public policy.
The Care Services Workforce Development Special Topic Section encourages submissions that will promote scholarly and transformative deliberations on the complex societal problems associated with chronic diseases or impairments across the lifespan. The Special Topic Section will foster communication among interested stakeholders in order to accelerate the transfer of technology and dissemination of scientific information, and encourage international cooperative studies and cross-disciplinary research.  Published articles will be drawn from the worldwide community of care researchers, scientists, physicians, nurses, engineers and, scholars from a broad span of disciplines related to health services, economics, ethics, and public policy.  The goal of the Special Topic Section is to identify not only barriers to progress but also opportunities to leverage or transfer knowledge from different areas.
As one of the initial foci of Care Weekly, Care Services Workforce Development Special Topic Section aims to spawn and generate new approaches to solve the major challenges of chronic disease care. The section will assign special editors to help organize and guide forums for in-depth analysis and evaluation of critical topics at the intersection of science, medicine, economics, and public policy.
To help provide some background on this subject, Care Weekly is re-publishing a public policy briefing produced by the U.S. Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service.  The report is titled, Vulnerable Youth: Employment and Job Training Programs and is authored by Adrienne L. Fernandes-Alcantara (REF: CRS Report R42519, Youth and the Labor Force: Background and Trends, by Adrienne L. Fernandes-Alcantara.)