A.S. Khachaturian


Corresponding to: A.S. Khachaturian, Executive Associate, Khachaturian and Associates, Inc. 8912 Copenhaver Drive, Potomac, MD 20854, E: ara_khachaturian@kra.net

Care Weekly 2017;1:2
Published online November 9, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/cw.2017.1


As precision medicine, person-centered health and well-being continues to be a focus for effective, efficient, and value-based healthcare, there is a growing need to communicate translational and multi-disciplinary research on care to serve academic, governmental, industry, health services as well as patient/general audiences. Care Weekly will serve as a new type of communication platform to better serve the multi-dimensional public health challenges facing those involved in care research and service delivery.
Care Weekly aims to facilitate new conceptual linkages across a diversity of disciplines.  Given the exponential increase in published biomedical, nursing and scientific literature, the inability to search, abstract, interpret and integrate knowledge over multiple disciplines remains an enormous barrier hampering new knowledge discovery and health literacy.
Many academic journals are disease specific, or research-method focused.  These journals often present contrasting results that often are inaccessible to different disciplines, the general public and key stakeholders.  The struggle to establish conceptual linkages between various domains of knowledge—such as between medical science, nursing, physical science, social science, political science, economics and others— remains an important challenge.  This resulting knowledge asymmetry between those inside, and those outside, the research setting remains an important hurdle in the communication among all stakeholders of the care continuum spanning policy makers, advocacy groups, formal and informal care givers, public sector, private sector, and the general public.
Care Weekly seeks to lessen these gaps by employing new media for knowledge sharing.  The Journal will provide a traditional channel for the rapid communication to a multidisciplinary research audience involving experimental, observational and qualitative methodologies.  In addition, the Journal will publish on discovery of relevant care interventions, related therapeutic and technological development, nutrition, psychology and behavior, ratings, methods, procedures, analytical approaches, regulatory science, clinical research informatics, and other translational areas as they relate to clinical care, outcomes, and health policy.
Care Weekly will enhance the translation and distribution of evidence-based literature, best practices, guidelines, and studies through the use of innovative web-based media.  The aim is to increase audience engagement by aiding the development of interactive community-driven platforms, uniting all key stakeholders engaged in the process of improving the health and wellbeing on the elderly across the globe.  The Journal will establish an effort to deliver information to wider and enhanced audiences.  The approach contemplates engagement among diverse professional and non-professional audiences not-commonly associated with care research or service delivery.
In addition, Care Weekly will provide a unique open access journal platform that will also serve general audiences.  The Journal seeks manuscripts that will be written in a language understood and spoken by non-scientists but, at the same time, will be diligently evaluated with respect to content through the peer–review process.  Manuscripts to be published include original featured research articles, reviews, brief reports, editorials, letters to the editor, and book reviews.  The Journal website is http://www.vitality-medicine-and-engineering-journal.com, and is where manuscripts may be submitted.   Authors of review papers are encouraged to contact the Editor, Ara Khachaturian ara_khachaturian@kra.net with pre-submission enquiries on their proposed topic and scope prior to submission.  Brief reports are research investigation or clinical experience reports whose findings are somewhat preliminary or a clinical study reporting on narrowly focused or limited findings.  Description of complex clinical cases (with aspects of novelty and/or didactic purposes) may be presented in this format, too.  Letters to the editor should be brief commentaries on published articles in Care Weekly proposing alternative interpretations, different data, and/or things to ponder.
The editors of Care Weekly look forward to the opportunity interact with authors and readers in the production of this new effort.